Monday, February 21, 2011

Why does Saudi Arabia have so many huge malls if women aren't allowed to wear anything but black

Why does Saudi Arabia have so many huge malls if women aren't allowed to wear anything but black?
i recently watched a show about young adults who lived in Saudi Arabia and it showed so many nice malls filled with people and i don't understand why there are so many malls if the women cannot wear colors or jeans or skirts and stuff. (not trying to be racist, i respect all religions and races, but i was just curious) thnx!
Other - Society & Culture - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Women can wear those clothes underneath their coverings and some places in the middle east are also huge centers for tourism, believe it or not.
2 :
to torture them more
3 :
if you respect a religion that oppresses women, I can't say much about your conscience. If you respect a race that mutilates women, I can't say much about your character. You're allowed to discriminate, you know. That's why god gave you a brain.
4 :
they often wear normal clothes underneath and walk around like that at home
5 :
Why do women buy expensive under wears if no one will see it but their husbands or boy friends? In saudi Arabia women wear hijab when they go outside to a public place for example, where there are men who are not relative. Women in Saudi Arabia are not shown their beauty to any one.

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