Friday, October 21, 2011

Do Ricky Ullman's parents and little sister really live in Saudi Arabia, Dhahran? cuz that's what i heard

Do Ricky Ullman's parents and little sister really live in Saudi Arabia, Dhahran? cuz that's what i heard

Movies - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I didn't hear about that but I know that he is from Israel...
2 :
its doubtful, they are Jewish.
3 :
I heard their family (including Ricky himself) is from Israel. That makes them Jewish (Israeli) So I highly doubt they live in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is like the home of all muslims... and from what's going on right now in Israel vs. Lebanon... you see, the Jewish and the Arabs don't like each other very much... so I'd say NO.
4 :
he does have a little sister named tali and his little brother named nadav he is jewish and but he is not from saudi araiba he was born in eilat israel his 2 younger siblings were born in the us he moved here when he was 1 and has never been back since then. hope that helps

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