Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I am going to Saudi Arabia to live with my husband. What sorts of things can I not buy over there

I am going to Saudi Arabia to live with my husband. What sorts of things can I not buy over there?
I mean feminine items, clothes, things we take for granted here in America. Any help about customs, etc. would help. We will be living on a Western Compound. Any help would be appreciated!! Thanks!
Saudi Arabia - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I would think that there would be a store close to the compound that sells Western goods. Alcohol for example is illegal to buy in Saudi Arabia unless you buy it at a store that is geared for Westerners (and is usually located in a hotel or compound).
2 :
You might want to bring a few months supply of tampons. Arab women do not use them, it might take you a while to locate a store that sells them. (And then you still face the difficulty of explaining in Arabic with hand gestures what you want....) A good place to meet other English-speaking women in Saudi Arabia online is the Saudi Arabia section of http://forum.virtualtourist.com . I hope you already know that you won't be able to drive a car there.
3 :
dear Anna, I say you visit the website that the above answer required. I lived in the Gulf for a while, and if it happens that I must travel again, I will buy: - my favorite body lotion, cream & soup. You may find your favorite things there, but the thing is its not the same brand & quietly like here. - CD’s & some books for reading. And again you may or may not find the things you really need. - around the house cloths that is cool and comfortable. It is going to be very hot & you need to relax around the house. I have this article to read: Culture: The norms for public behavior in Saudi Arabia are extremely conservative, and religious police, known as Mutawwa, are charged with enforcing these standards. Mutawwa are required to carry special identification and usually are accompanied by uniformed police. However, in some cases they have detained persons even without police presence. To ensure that conservative standards of conduct are observed, the Saudi religious police have accosted or arrested foreigners, including U.S. citizens, for improper dress or other alleged infractions, such as consumption of alcohol or association by a female with a male to whom she is not related. While most incidents have resulted only in inconvenience or embarrassment, the potential exists for an individual to be physically harmed or deported. U.S. citizens who are involved in an incident with the Mutawwa should report the incident to the U.S. Embassy in Riyadh or the U.S. Consulates General in Jeddah or Dhahran. http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/cis/cis_1012.html
4 :
Alchohol is not regularly available here, so if ur addicted, bring some bottles for urself.
5 :
you will find everything available exsept alcohol & Pork
6 :
Don’t think that we don’t have anything around here. We don’t live in caves and we don’t ride camels to school... Everything is available here except alcohol and pork... too bad, but you will learn to brew some yourself if you live on a compound pretty soon. The person who said tampons aren’t available is lying; I bought some at a big supermarket called Panda just 2 days ago... We have great big malls and interesting souqs here that will keep you occupied for a long time... Don’t worry, you will find everything you need... just remember to put on your abaya before you get off the plane and don’t pack any cds in your luggage, keep them with you in your cabin luggage otherwise they’ll make you unpack everything - and nobody s friendly on the airport... Good luck... and give yourself at least 3 months to settle in before you pack all your stuff to go back home...
7 :
valentines stuff and Barbi doles..
8 :
Concerning feminne items, clothes & personal things are available in saudi. you will find that motly everything is available in saudi, you will find American, British Brands (we have marks n spencer, Bhs, Mothercare, donna Karen, Ralph Lauren, Next, Benetton, Zara, ....etc) I would say That the list of things you wouldn't find in saudi are: !. Alcohol 2. pork 3. Most feminine magazines like cosmo, marie claire, O & inquirer.
9 :
NO tampons.. hahahahaha!.. Someone doesnt know anything about Saudi.. You can find just about anything here nowadays and more.. Just no alcohol or pork... Arab women are modern and use ta

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