Saturday, August 14, 2010

what are the restrictions of living in saudi arabia for a woman

what are the restrictions of living in saudi arabia for a woman?
what are the rules for living in saudi arabia for a woman? all i know is that it is very strict and woman can't drive?? thank you xx
Saudi Arabia - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Rules are: 1. Donot go out without any close male relative 2. Ware "Abhaya" (Black colored cloak) in public 3. Donot try to drive a car 3. DONOT try to mix with someone with opposite sex who is not your close relative.
2 :
depending on the area.. Riyadh is stricter religious wise than Jeddah on west coast, or Khobar on east coast.. Generally.. yes you need to wear an abaya (black cloak) when about.. if in Riyadh, you need a scarf for your hair also.. no need in Jeddah or Khobar.. You can go out without a male escort.. many women do.. just stay to the normal general public places, like malls, grocery stores, etc... I go out all the time by myself without my husband and no one bothers me.. have been for years.. you are not to act flirty or friendly to men in public.. You can however answer or ask questions to the male work staff in stores.. otherwise how'd you purchase anything.. Just dont be overly friendly giving the appearance of a flirt... if upon meeting a man for business.. you never offer your hand for him to shake.. women dont touch men that are not relatives here.. there are some places that say bachelors only or bachelors entrance to shops.. these are for unmarried men (teens included) also.. You as a women would go into the family section (and some have single womens section only also, though rare) if you are not a muslim,, you need to know you cant propogate your religion in SaudiArabia or carry your religious books about with you.. .. I think thats the main points.... you will be fine.. its not that much different.. and 90% of people speak english.. just be polite and ask someone if you dont know.. ^_^ welcome1
3 :
I spend a lot of time in Riyadh, and I always see women without a scarf. So, don't worry. You do need abaya though everywhere in KSA.
4 :
there always depending on there husbands they cant go and come alone there treated like wild animals
5 :
So far a lot of the information as been correct. You don't have to wear the Abaya everywhere. I usually wore baggy jeans and a long sleeve, loose t-shirt. However during Ramadan I would advise being a bit more respectful. Plus when its hot the abaya is great, you can wear something comfortable and cool underneath and the abaya will breathe well. Also keep in mind some of the things american women do that we don't consider flirty can look that way in other countries. Giggling a lot, playing with your hair etc. But feel free to have conversations with the shop keepers and whatnot. I would go out often without any male relatives or whatnot. Though usually its a good idea to have a friend with you. And no you can't drive but taxis aren't expensive. Just make sure to not ride in the front seat of the car unless its a close male relative that's driving. Be careful of wearing a cross or any other religious jewelry or clothing outside of your home or compound. No, most people won't take any offense to it but its better to just avoid the situation if someone could. One last tip, be friendly, ask questions, learn a little arabic. Unlike most countries, Saudis, well most Arabs actually are very appreciative when foreigners make an effort to learn about their culture or learn the language. Ask the shopkeeper how his family is and how his day is. It seems a bit invasive to us, but its very common to spend 5 minutes saying hello before getting to any real business. usually even saying hello or thank you in arabic will get you a discount. Good luck and enjoy it.
6 :
depending on the area.. Riyadh is stricter religious wise than Jeddah on west coast, or Khobar on east coast.. Generally.. yes you need to wear an abaya (black cloak) when about.. if in Riyadh, you need a scarf for your hair also.. no need in Jeddah or Khobar.. You can go out without a male escort.. many women do.. just stay to the normal general public places, like malls, grocery stores, etc... I go out all the time by myself without my husband and no one bothers me.. have been for years.. you are not to act flirty or friendly to men in public.. You can however answer or ask questions to the male work staff in stores.. otherwise how'd you purchase anything.. Just dont be overly friendly giving the appearance of a flirt... if upon meeting a man for business.. you never offer your hand for him to shake.. women dont touch men that are not relatives here.. there are some places that say bachelors only or bachelors entrance to shops.. these are for unmarried men (teens included) also.. You as a women would go into the family section (and some have single womens section only also, though rare) if you are not a muslim,, you need to know you cant propogate your religion in SaudiArabia or carry your religious books about with you.. .. I think thats the main points.... you will be fine.. its not that much different.. and 90% of people speak english.. just be polite and ask someone if you dont know.. ^_^ welcome1
7 :
1) No driving 2) Have to use female branches of this and that 3) Extremely limited access to official buildings and offices 4) May be kicked out of restaurants and coffee shops if unaccompanied by a male chaperon i.e husband, brother, uncle etc. 5) Unadvisable to walk/move around alone 6) Must wear a Abaya and head scarf 8) Cannot go out with boyfriend or male friends/colleagues

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