Monday, November 7, 2011

A question about abortion for someone who has lived in Saudi Arabia

A question about abortion for someone who has lived in Saudi Arabia?
What is the people or the government's view on abortion there. Is it allowed by the government or not. Or do the Muslim's religion allow it?
Saudi Arabia - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
im not exactly sure what the actual legal law is.. but I know in Islam there are exceptions to everything.. In rape a women can take the morning after pill. I also think she is allowed to have an abortion within 6 weeks of conception.. Also if a pregancy will result in the death of the mother, she can elect to have an abortion also in Islam.. Abortion is not allowed as a means of birth control in Islam.. again.. Im not up on saudi laws on this cause situation has never entered my life here. sorry.
2 :
In KSA, a woman may only abort her pregnancy if her life is in peril.
3 :
the law does not allow "elective" abortion in Saudi Arabia, if a physician help a woman getting an abortion of a normal pregnancy then his/her license will be taken and he/she may get some other legal problems as well. people who are seeking abortion most likely search elsewhere like India which is not very far, or may get an abortion on some old female who know how to certificate one without anyone know. on the other hand, every hospital is equipped to make abortion in case there is a medical problem with the pregnancy. A specialized hospital may have abortion few times a week. About Islam religion, Islam has strictly forbid abortion if the reason behind it is week like the parent don't have enough money to rise the kid, on the other hand if the situation is as I describe earlier then it is OK. we don't have much "unknown father" situation here in Saudi Arabia, but an adoption system exists and actually my sister were working in one branch of that institution and have dealt with these kids. However families don't like to have a child of unknown origin in their house, so most of the kids end up raised by the government itself, and only few have the chance of getting into a family that can't have children by its own. people definitely does not agree with abortion until getting into a problem that abortion is a solution to it, and that is every where not only in Saudi Arabia, on the other hand even if they get into that problem most Saudis don't agree with abortion.
4 :
To complete Mintee's saying : the rule of law regarding the principle of abortion in Saudi Arabia is the Shariaa. Abortion, understood as the forced "removal" of a foetus from a womb, is not allowed in islam. Conception of a child is a blessing and attempting to remove it is not "rightful". Also there are exceptions, first if the pregnancy is the result of a rape and the woman falls pregnant, she can abort; the most complicated part would be to prove the rape (lol). the second reason that allows women to abort is that whether her pregnancy puts her life at risk, if carrying her pregnancy to term might threaten her life, then also she can abort. Even though these 2 exceptions are made, the abortions must be done within the first 40 days of pregnancy. There is birth control available everywhere in saudi, whether condoms, or pills. Being one of the countries with the fastest growing demographies in the world, abortion is not an issue. In saudi a baby is seen as a blessing. The only people who would worry about such a thing are, to my belief, illegitimate couples.
5 :
It's illegal after 40 days, because by then it's too late and biologically the baby is no longer a cell but a human with a soul. It's illegal in Saudi because it is against Islamic law, it can be considered murder of an innocent soul. Although you can get around this, because there are doctors who perform illegal abortions at clinics.
6 :
It is illegal and Islam dousnt allow it except to save the mothers life. But it still happens. You pay a doctor enough and he will give an abortion, usualy Indian, Pakistani doctors.

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