Thursday, October 1, 2009

Is it legal for unmarried couple to obtain residency permits and live together in Saudi Arabia

Is it legal for unmarried couple to obtain residency permits and live together in Saudi Arabia?
I am thinking of taking a job in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. It is possible to bring my long-time live-in girlfriend with me? Can she obtain a residency permit and live with me there in an ex-pat compound? Will this cause problems getting her entry/exit visa if we leave KSA for holidays or other trips? We are both American and my employer will be sponsoring me for a residency permit.
Immigration - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No. She won't be able to obtain the visa/ You have to be married or related/.
2 :
Absolutely not. You should be careful about even having her stay over. If you two want to be together in Saudi Arabia you should get married.
3 :
She will have to find her own job and get her own visa. Once she is in Saudi, you could live together in an expatriate compound, provided that you were discreet about it. It is illegal for unmarried people to live together in Saudi Arabia. Why not just get married?

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