Hi, My name is Tameka. My Fiance got a civilian contracting position in Saudi Arabia. He wants me to move there (along with our 3 children) to live in the American Compound.. Can someone give me some insight.. I live in the U.S. and I am kinda scarred to move there. Safety is a big issue for me, especially since I have my children that will be going as well. Am I stressing for no reason? Or, should I stay in the U.S. during his contract. I have a tattoo on my left hand of a cross, and I know that this country is prodominantly Islamic. I really hate being seperated from my Fiance, but I need reassurance that this is a good idea. Is it anything like Iraq or Afhganistan? Can someone please help me with this situation?
Other - Society & Culture - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Girl, stay here with your kids where it's safe. YOu don't need to be there. He will return.
2 :
Yes,a very good idea,an unmarried mother of three going to Saudi Arabia.You will be buried up to the neck and stoned to death.Don't buy a return ticket.
3 :
I was deployed to Saudi last year so this is what Ive learned... women are treated like dirt, if you go out you will have to cover ALL showing skin, EVERYTHING. Now as far as dangerous i think its pretty safe, the crime rate is so near zero they list it as such, given what they do to offenders. But its no where near Iraq, or Afghanistan. Hope this helps.
4 :
My advice would be to go if it's at all possible on your own with your fiance to check it out. That way you could get a feel of the place and check out the safety and speak to people that live there and get their take on it. It would definitely be culture shock, but if your comfortable with the situation over there it could be a good growing experience for both you and your kids.
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