Sunday, June 7, 2009

How hard would life be for a white atheist to live in Saudi Arabia

How hard would life be for a white atheist to live in Saudi Arabia?

Saudi Arabia - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I think it's impossible; I'm quite sure the death penalty is imposed on Atheist. What would you expect in a society/country where a woman who gets raped can be punished with jail up to a minimum of 2 years and lashes, go figure....!!!
2 :
J T, u should not talk about something unless u know wat u r talking about!!! first, I'm SAUDI and all the things that u said r wrong. we as Muslims r respect women coz or religious encourages us to do so. all the BS that u have been seeing in media r wrong. u will not ever know us and our culture unless u come and see it by urself. about wondering if a white man can live in saudi arabia well of course he/she can. no one is gonna do a dam thing to him/her. some ppl r too stupid to see the truth about Saudi Arabia. :)
3 :
Well i am white . Christian Living in saudi arabia and enjoying it so far . ( my family is with me ) you need to forget about liquor, Women,drugss, movies ( i.e cinema) and clubbing no one will bother you no matter what is your religion as long as you respect their religion and way of life. ( the 2 most bothering things for non muslim are usually women not driving, having to be dressed in ABAYA and that everything closes for prayer time ( 5 times a day) but again you need to respect that and you have no pb whith anything what so ever. regarding the women debate well in every society you have some good and respectful people and you have some bad un ethical people. yesterday unfortunately driving my car back home i witnessed a disturbing site of a car stopped on the side of the road the man is on the ground on the passenger side and really brutally hitting hie wife like an animal with somthg he had in hand and they had a child maybe 4 years old in the back seat watching . Now you cannot generalize and say this is life here coz i bet that in USA you can see that in many places and all around the world Any way good luck and it is a very nice country to live in you have ntgh to worry provided you are a respectful man
4 :
white or black. athiest cant survive hre. not at all.

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