Friday, May 14, 2010

when is the best to the meoter show if i live in saudi arabia

when is the best to the meoter show if i live in saudi arabia ?

Astronomy & Space - 1 Answers
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I'm going to repeat what I told a previous asker. First, if you reside in a populated area the observation of the Leonids due to city/town light interference will be extremely disappointing. The light from the observation area will over power the intensity of your viewing area. Secondly, you don't have much time left. The best display will be tomorrow night (Tues.) between midnight and dawn. I strongly suggest you plan an entire evening around the display and locate a large field far away from any source of light such as traffic, cars, highways, towns, cities, and even small urban hamlets. A farmers field would be great, but get permission to be there first. Also, find out what the weather will be like in reference to being cloudy or rain or high pollution. If any of these conditions happen, observing the Leonids will be impossible. Once you have a prime location, plan to arrive after night fall. The best time is actually around dawn or just before. Say, 3:00 AM. It may be cool and I recommend you take a fold back chair as you will want to be on your back looking up at the sky. ( Don't what ever you do lie on the ground.) Take several blankets and a large thermos of hot chocolate or tea to stay warm. Hats and gloves are also advised. The average number of meteorites from the Leonids you might see, and I stress the word "might", will be between 50 to 100 per hour. That number could be less. Don't quote me. Hope this helps and I also hope the weather accommodates you. Enjoy the display. It's fantastic. Regards, Warren

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