Thursday, April 1, 2010

Why are shia(twelvers) allowed to live in Saudi Arabia

Why are shia(twelvers) allowed to live in Saudi Arabia?
Should't they be expelled as Islam can be the only religion in the land of the two cities as per order of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasalam
Ramadan - 14 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
We Need More People Like Saddam Hussian(ra) !!
2 :
3 :
rolf what happened to salman 2day? he's on fire
4 :
Saudi Arabia is the land for true muslims and not for kuffar to live in
5 :
Ya Ali Andro !
6 :
they do taqiyyah and live their saying 'we are sunnis'.... Acts just similar to tht of a hypocrite
7 :
Your fake idols were the biggest kaffirs that ever existed
8 :
Shia=lost sect
9 :
i cant believe u just said that..
10 :
- The Shee`ah consist of different sects, with the Zaydiyyah closer to Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa`ah. - Concerning the Raafidah (the extreme Shee`ah), we ask Allaah to cleanse the land from them
11 :
All shias are good for is making themselves bleed with rocks !!
12 :
when the wahabbi find, they do kick them out but really they don't care and they only kick out the wealthy shias.
13 :
Yeah. Kill them all and show your love for Allah. Allah is very happy with Ahmadis getting slaughtered.
14 :
SHIA are muslims. Shia believe that Prophet Muhammad was the prophet and his grandchildren and children are the true caliphs as the Archangel Jibrail had sent down the message saying that Ali ibn Abi Talib is the first caliph and the grandchildren and generations after will be the caliphs until the 12th generation who is Imam Mohammad Mehdi alayhi salaam who is alive to this day and will return on the Day of Judgement. Therefore, Shia are muslims and believe the same as Quran has taught and Allah's message and the grandchildren and children of the prophet were living in Saudi Arabia which must make them muslims but not Sunni since they knew that Omar and Uthman and all the other potential leaders were not the true caliphs, they simply elected themselves even though Allah had sent the divine message that Imam Ali Ibn abi talib was meant to be the next caliph. Plus Yazid ibn Muwwayiya had murdered the grandchild of the prophet so how could he be a true muslim.

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