Thursday, January 7, 2010

Are Saudi Arabia and Israel the only countries in the world that deny citizenship based on religion

Are Saudi Arabia and Israel the only countries in the world that deny citizenship based on religion?
There are non-jews living in Israel, but to immigrate there and become a citizen you must be jewish. You must be muslim to live in Saudi Arabia.
Politics - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
That's a theocracy for you. Democracy is a myth in Israel, unless your a Zionist Jew.
2 :
And? That is their Sovereign right if such laws exist and since I have no plans on moving to either country, it's not my concern. It is up to the citizens of those countries to decide how they wish to live. You're opinion is irrelevant.
3 :
Sorry, you do *not* have to be Jewish to be a citizen of Israel. Epic fail.
4 :
It would seem as though that is not actually true.
5 :
List of countries that need you to be Muslim for citizenship. Algeria Bahrain Chad Comoros Djibouti Egypt Eritrea Iraq Jordan Kuwait Lebanon Libya Mauritania Morocco Oman Qatar Iran Pakistan Malaysia Bangladesh Maldives

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