Thursday, January 21, 2010

People Who Live In Saudi Arabia

People Who Live In Saudi Arabia:?
Is there a gymnastics class in Saudi Arabia? I live in Jeddah to be more specific, I just came here from America a couple of months ago and I want to know if there is a Gymnastics class here.
Saudi Arabia - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I'm pretty sure there is. In Riyadh there is, but then again, Riyadh is wayyyyy better than Jeddah.
2 :
Jeddah is the most liberal city in Saudi, In Damma/Khobar where I live there are some gyms for women, so there must be some in Jeddah. Most of them are probably in hotels and you can register in them without staying in the hotel(I know, strange).
3 :
you wont find any public gymnastic class here, rare you might find a male class, but your best luck would be a class offered by a private residential community recreation group.. held in private housing compounds and resorts and in closed invite only clubs.. reason is.. gymnastics (I would love any form of exercise) but the very nature of how it shows off the body and the uniform worn, especially the little skimpy leotard of the females.. SaudiArabia highly does not approve of such attire.. There are dress codes here, and ladies are not allowed to show skin, legs, arms, chest, and wear anything tight to the body, so even if you wore tights under the leotard, this is still not allowed.. Unless you are competeing with women against women and absolutely no men allowed.. As for male gymnastic events.. maybe, but some Saudi men, might think this is a little femanine for their sports taste.. sorry
4 :
Woman in sports in Saudi Arabia? Something like that would get you arrested I would think. Backwards country that it is.
5 :
many gyms offer several classes for women in jeddah, ask your friends.
6 :
Gyms are a dime a dozen in Jeddah (this isn't the 19th century). Just go to Gold's Gym or something.
7 :
yes there are classes and gyms for women. dress code depends on the gym and group of people with you, in jeddah most i've been to never "banned"me from wearing whatever. i've listed a couple of gyms in a similar question so here's the link to that;_ylt=ArFGv0I5sB9q23dB9NST_B_ty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100325111915AAOwL6Z&show=7#profile-info-rQW2jHfJaa
8 :
yes and they r a lot , almost in every female saloon , that's all what i can tell u about Jeddah , hope someone who live in Jeddah will give u more helpful infos .. Salam :D

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