Sunday, November 14, 2010

Conservatives, would you rather live in Saudi Arabia, or Somalia

Conservatives, would you rather live in Saudi Arabia, or Somalia?
In Somalia, there is essentially no government whatsoever. The men, women, and children are all equally trained from birth to take personal responsibility, fend for themselves, and try very, very hard not to die as a casualty of dirty water, lack of food, or the machete. But in Saudi Arabia, the Royal Family's wealth is strictly based on oil profits worldwide, and they actually see no need to tax their citizens. There is a government, and fortunately, it's RELIGIOUS! No taxation found, but then again, 100% of the country is moral and god-fearing, and if laws are taken out of holy books - no liberals over there pushing for same-sex marriage! - then traditional families are preserved. Now, I know this will be a tough decision, like trying to choose between Reese's Cups and chocolate cake, but you must choose only one. So, where would you rather spend your golden years?
Politics - 12 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Big government Islamic State or a failed communist state? Both sound like conservatives worst nightmares. To cons, North Korea is not a liberal paradise either. Liberals may prefer the social democracy of Sweden or the liberal society of Netherlands. Conservatives may prefer the libertarian conservative country of Switzerland or the social conservative society of Ireland. That would be fair to ask.
2 :
What a load. Somalia is radical Islam, like Afghanistan but wilder. Early America was about as libertarian as a country has ever been and it sure as hell wasn't anything even close to Somalia. Islamists are diametrically opposed to libertarian principles.
3 :
What a stupid question. United States of America, was brought up with conservative values. Back in the in the 1930s, young white kids would work on there parents farms, they would respectful to there hard working parents. Older kids were thought to be leaders for their younger siblings. And look at todays society. Young people, dress like...pop stars, smoke marijuana, try to act like bad boys, girls dress slutty= since a lot of these girls have no self esteem, kids are lazy. Thanks to Liberals. As leaning conservative, I would not live in S.A or Somalia. I was born in USSR, no thanks to socialist.
4 :
My public educators and Michael Moore have made a case for me to move to Cuba. Maybe you go first and let me know how great it is.
5 :
I'm more neutral, but I'd rather live in Saudi Arabia. At least there it's possible to get a hot shower and clean bed sheets.
6 :
C'mon, don't be silly. That's like asking if a liberal would rather live in Cuba or North Korea. This kind of mud slinging isn't gonna get us anywhere. I've been guilty of it too, but let's try to be adults this time. You do know that many liberals have religious faith too, right?
7 :
I'd prefer Somalia. Give me liberty or give me death. I'd rather fight for my life than live under oppression. Besides, I'm pretty good at fighting and am not all that attached to my life. Probably a lot of money to be made on pirate bounties.
8 :
I'll take Somalia. Where would a liberal rather live Sweden or South Africa? Or I guess I should say rape capital of Europe or the rape capital of Africa?
9 :
Santa Barbara, California. First get rid of the Liberals.
10 :
What you have to understand is that Somalia is pretty much an Anarchy. Conservatives don't want this. A government should be one that is strong enough, yet limited in it's power to fulfill it's proper role in protecting the rights and liberties of the people. the attached video touches on the problems brought on by Anarchy. Clearing up misunderstandings like this might help you start your journey toward Conservatism.
11 :
Saudi Arabia is not the best country in the world.... I would rather stay in my home country... where people respect elders... and there is freedom
12 :
I am from Somalia and I love my country but I would rather live in Saudi Arabia because there is nothing good about chaos. If there was peace and stability in Somalia then of course Somalia would be were I would like to live the most. I've been to Saudi Arabia and it's just too patriarchal. Somalia is more matriarchal which suits me just fine :)

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