Monday, November 1, 2010

where to live in saudi arabia

where to live in saudi arabia?
Hi My family and I (with a 1 yr old boy) is moving to Saudi. Well.. though i'm not motivated by it coz all i'v been reading is how life can be complicated for a women (in the sense .. NOTHING CAN HAPPEN- very restricted life:( ) Which place is good to live in. We were looking for an expat community (hoping there'd be some life for us). Can a rent of SAR 2200 find us a good place to live in?
Saudi Arabia - 13 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
2 :
try to go to Kuwait , near saudi arabia ...its better because saudi arabia u cant do anything crazy and u have to ware hejab , ... i am from kuwait ,and we have alot of american american school and in in kuwait is more free than saudi ;p but if u can't go to kuwait[a lot of job needed]thats ok saudi arabia not that bad;p
3 :
Expat compounds are expensive! Think 5,000 S.R.+. Anyway compounds are very crowded and you will not find something fast....
4 :
jeddah :) ..
5 : depends where your husband is going to be assigned for work....Its good to live in big cities like Jeddah in the west, Riyadh in the central and Khobar in the east because all things that you need are available there.....its hard to live in the province or remote areas where everything is limited.....
6 :
I was raised in Makkah. I love this city.However,if you want less restrictions,then you may settle to Jeddah. Also I don't know weather you are muslim or not,as non-muslims are not allowed in Makkah. There are lot of fun places in Jeddah. Best of luck for your future. well which country are you from?
7 :
Hi...well if u r talking about Saudi riyal 2200 per annum so its impossible and if u r talking about per month its possible ...its depends where u r going in saudi arabia..i mean which city and place ....if u r going to Jeddah then its a much better place than other cities..u can try out in these both places aziziya and sulemaniya in jeddah u can find a flat on rent..if u need any help u can mail me :)
8 :
It's best for you to live in a city. Jeddah, Riyadh, and Khobar all have large expat communities. 2200 riyals a month will not get you a place inside a western compound, but you will be able to find a decent apartment outside a compound for that.
9 :
It depends where will you live? From western to eastern around 1500 KM. Jeddah is the biggest western city. Khobar , Damam and Dahran are the biggest eastern city. Riyadh is the biggest in central. In all those cities you will find expat community. ** Do not take any previous negative image about Saudi Arabia :) It's right that woman life is more restricted, but not only the woman. It's the life style for both women and men; specially in Riyadh. Jeddah is more open and friendly. all the best :)
10 :
go live in shaqara
11 :
most urban, modernized and open minded yet respectful people i've lived with are people from the eastern region. and if ur talking about 2200 a month, then yes u can get a very luxurious place with that amount. mail me if u guys need any help( better hurry, i'm graduating by the end of February lol )
12 :
JEDDAH!! place to be.
13 :
i dont live there i live here in the America but my family live is Jeddah (my moms sis + family)

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