Saturday, February 21, 2009

What is it like to live in Saudi Arabia

What is it like to live in Saudi Arabia?
being a female what would it be like to live or stay in Saudi Arabia. what would be the rules and regulations? do we have the same rights as men? please tell me as much as you know and your experiences. BTW i am from Austalia
Saudi Arabia - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
i SUPPOSE the best one who can answer this is Mintee.... although i'll give u two keywords, generally speaking.. food for thought.. until mintee gives u the real answer: conservativeness (N.B. not suppressiveness) and modesty ============================ may i point out (in reply to Salma) that we DO have views of nature.. u just have to pick the right place and actually GO THERE to see it u know?
2 :
I was born and raised there. It was nice. The food is amazing, the malls are great!!! Helathcare is good. I was a kid so ofcourse I don't remember much from the outside world. For rules I clearly remember all shops/stores had to be closed during prayer hours. They have these religious policemen and they would fine you or put you in jail for 1-2 hours for not following those rules. They are the ones who also make sure women have their burka on. About that I know it sounds quite mean and all but as a girl myself I did it willingly as did my mother and my friends. I couldn't wait to grow up so I could wear a burkah. Women can't drive. A woman is allowed to go out on her own but preffered not to as men are pigs and bad things happen. Both men and women do get the same chance at education I believe. Both of my parents were doctors. They loved their jobs. Also foreigners can't own their own land or house. As for businesses it has to be under your saudi sponser. There are no clubs or movie theaters. I know it already makes life sound really bad. But most people have large group of friends and the weekends are filled with private parties. No one cares what you wear there, or loud music and such. The main city Riyadh is also quite diversed. You can find people from every corner of the earth there. There are blocks and blocks of stores + shops. So If I was Chinese or Indian I could probably find a my mini China or India there. Hope that helped!
3 :
Hi, I'm 19 years old, I'm from Saudi Arabia I study college here as well To be frank, life here, in 2009 has changed before, women had No rights, they couldn't even go to work they always stay at home and take care of the kids Now, woman have their rights equally as men Of course we still can't drive cars in Saudi Arabia ,its only okay for woman over 30 i guess thats all i can say i've been in lots of places they only thing that we dont have here is a nice view of nature but the malls and eveything else is great ! thank you
4 :
I came to riyadh about an year ago and i have found saudi Arabia to be a roller coaster ride. It's definately unique and all said and done I am glad I did come here. As in almost everywhere in the world life for different people is v different. I knew an Indian woman who used to live outside compounds and she hated living here and is now happy in dubai. I live in a 'western' compound which has many amenities within its closed borders and life is actually quite good. You cant drive and have to wear an abaya but therein also i was surprised. I was very concerned that how can i wear a garment which has associations with repression. But when I actally wore one I felt extremely liberated - you dont have to bother what you wear, or indeed dont wear, inside - just pop on your lovely abaya and you're done. Shopping is a bit of a sore point bcos there isnt much variety and you have v few choices. Bread is terrible and I have scrounged all over Riyadh trying to find a bakery which makes decent bread - in the end I get my compound's bakery supplier, French bakery to make bread for me. at least it is something like real bread. The malls are huge but they are mostly - i have noticed - dumping grounds for brands. Recently I have noticed GAP and NEXT have been dumping their poor quality stuff here - and perhaps everywhere else in the thrid world who knows? Much is made about the lack of rights for women. Actually you have to understand Saudi society is v different from ours back home, Their socialising and whatever dating there is (eventuially leading to marriage) happens within extended families. Its true unfortunately that women are mostly dependent upon the largesse of a generous husband or father to have a comfortable life. However you do have women like Lubna Olayah who are extremely successful businesswomen here. I have seen in their hotels and posher malls extremely well-heeled saudi women who look dazzling. One hears Saudi girls and women tend to pick up expat men by passing on their phone numbers - so they do have fun! I just wish there were things like movie theatres and art galleries and other things here to give people a more creative outlet rather than just staying at home or just spending money in malls. Bcos society here is hence extremely commercialised and their favorite passtime is chasing other cars on the road and shopping. The soicety doesnt allow their young people any other more channelised hobbies as such. I am not sure how many of them read - jugding from this panel v few. They seem to be into shopping or partying into the wee hours of the morning bcos there is nothing else to do. Looks are v important to them - and i find arab women in general are v into their figure and face. which is great actually -and for what make up cant achieve, they have surgeons! It is a conservative society and one does hear of femisnists making their voices heard and looking for change - however I feel it shall take a long time bcos the better off women dont really want change, It is the middle class women who do. and someday the tension you can feel bubbling under will explode and the middle class women will come out and demand change - till then i guess things will continue this way. quality of health care of a bit suspect bcos although they have all the latest equipment and medicines (everything that money can buy!) but they dont have the doctors, You do get lucky and get some good ones but generally the doctors are so-so and you dont want to fall seriously ill here. Like iw ould go back to britain for a major procedure. Thats it - anything else you want to know?
5 :
For an expat, you will be respected. You can go out, take a taxi...all safe. Your rights are protected by International law, and any rules or regulations imposed on Saudi woman don't apply to you. Don't smile at the opposite sex, then they'll think your interested. Dress modestly and have fun! Your don't have to wear a scarf, only an over coat..i.e. Abaya There are allot of activities you can do check this out >>
6 :
it is like to live because of lack of death
7 :
Why is everyone waiting for Mintee to reply? Shes dominating this place :D haha Okay, so firstly, dont worry, Im a veteran. Women in Saudi Arabia live the same as if they were in any other place in the world, BUT there are exceptions, and I will list them so big paragraphs wont bother you :D - Staying with a man that is not your muhrim (father, brother, and blood uncle) is PROHIBITED. It is considered "improper seclusion" -Please wear an abaya. In jeddah, you really dont need to cover your hair, just wear an abayah(the black robe that covers the body). Its a metropolis, and the CPVP (religious police) are very rare to find in jeddah. the reason for wearing the abayah is to keep feminine details to yourself. If you dont want attention, then I suggest wearing a hijab :D Although there are many saudi girls who dont wear it/wear it improperly (i.e. half-way) that its no longer called a hijab. hope that helped! A.B.
8 :
I live in Riyadh and I really like living here. It was nothing like I expected at all, a lot better thank God. I find if you just are a good person who does not get into any trouble you are fine, just like in any other country. This is defiantly a mans country. But if your here with your family or husband, you will have a lot of places to go as well. Their are women both Saudi and non that do not wear the face cover, I do. I feel that in a country like this it is better to wear it for modesty. All women however do wear the abaya (black dress) regardless if they are Muslim or Saudi. Everyone does. The law here is Islamic law but I find that really is not always the case. We have any store you could imagine. Riyadh is a very nice place and a HUGE city. We have all the top designer stores you could think of here but also a lot of old tradition, I like that. Feel free to ask any questions you may have. Also, a friend has a great blog for people wanting to know what you do. Its called American Bedu, google. it.

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