Sunday, February 7, 2010

What is it like for a foreign female 15-year-old living in Saudi Arabia

What is it like for a foreign female 15-year-old living in Saudi Arabia?
My parents would like to apply for a job in a middle-eastern country, and one option is Saudi Arabia. I would be moving there with them. We would most likely be living in one of the bigger cities; they are planning to apply for a teaching job. I was wondering, how would it be for me, as a young woman, to live there? is it safe? what kind of laws would I have to follow?
Saudi Arabia - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
seriously for the first few months, you might find it excrusiatingly boring.. Life here is geared toward family activities. And teens just dont go about hanging out together.. Boys and girls (men or women) are not allowed to mingle socially in public.. This means, no dating and no social parties of mixed gender.. Now having said all this.. You probably will be living in a housing compound.. which is like a group of apartments or modular houses all grouped together inside a wall and owned by the same group.. Normally a company finds and houses like similar nationalities together.. So you can find and make friends with the children of those who live around you.. There are normally in larger compounds swimming pools, small bowling alleys, maybe a little theater, a tiny shopping grocery (little 24hour spot).. and a recreation hall.. tennis courts, etc.. and normally the females of the compounds try to create as much fun as they can for themselves and children by organizing group activities, outings, arts and craft shows, fun bizzares, community patio sales.. etc.. so you can go to these events and socialize with all the kids of others.. you have to force yourself to get out and do this, otherwise, you'll do nothing but stay at home and play video games all day.. its safe here in SaudiArabia.. but as a young girl.. dont go out shopping in main town by yourself.. cuase you will be stared at by girl hungry boys.. (which is typical anywhere I suppose) but cause you are a foreigner, they will look at you more.. just go out with your Mom or Dad. or in large groups.. you have to abide by Islamic moral rules.. which isnt that much different from strict christian or jewish rules.. No flirting, dating, cavorting about, no drugs, alcohol, no pornography.. wear concervative clothing while outside the compound.. you might even want to wear the traditional black cloak mulslim women wear while out shopping.. to cover your normal attire.. otherwise.. think of this as a learning experience in your life.. you might totally enjoy it and secure many life long friends in the adventure..
2 :
Safety is not an issue here, I would say you are pretty much safe and it's not an issue here at all, Saudi Arabia has the LOWEST crime rate against women in the WORLD, Check the link below... Laws are very simple, depends on which city you are going, if it is Riyadh, then think of it like living in a conservative community in the United States. if you will be living in Jeddah or Alkhobar, they are pretty open minded and liberal. However, Saudi Arabia is kind of boring if you don't know a lot of people to hang out with because we don't have a lot of entertainment getaways in here. I am guessing that your folks will put you in an international school with other foreigners. There, you'll meet a lot of people with similar traditions and hobbies. In General, The traditions and customs here are very different from the west. Therefore, prepare to adjust your self to some routines of your life. if you parents are going to other Gulf Middle Eastern countries, it will most likely be LESS conservative than Saudi Arabia Like Dubai or Kuwait.
3 :
very boring, hard for a women your age to get a job
4 :
You will be treated like an infant, protected from all those sex deprived males. . .be careful there are molesters lurking around every corner outside the compounds. Just bring your own toys.
5 :
Are you an american or European? If so, you will find life in saudi arabia extremely limiting and oppressive. You cannot leave the house without an abaya (long black robe) It is illegal for women to drive, you need a male's permission for everything, even to leave the house and go for a walk! saudi arabia is ruled by an autocratic king, so democracy doesn't exist. in short, saudi arabia sucks
6 :
7 :
it wil be little boring and there will be restrictions on your movements and in dress code. however your parents will be earning a tax free income coupled with a very low cost of living. so you can save hell a lot of money when you are here. 5 years is enough. then you can go back to your home country comfortably.
8 :
Well, Middle Eastern men love white women. There is no secure for a white female girl.

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